
Health Tips Blog

tonika health is not just a clinic. We also provide valuable reading and practical resources i.e. our blog that provides valuable health tips for our community in Sydney and Surry hills. Our blog and our newsletter contain tips, tricks and information about how to get well and stay well. We use Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage and Diet as our main methodologies. To know more about our blog, please feel free to click the links below.

We’re all learning to adapt to the current environment. Amidst everything that’s going on, we believe that physical and mental wellbeing is more important than ever. We’re so glad that we can continue to stand by your side and support you during these times and through this blog.

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tonika health / 16.07.2018

chicken soup16 Jul 2018
Hi all! You know that age old saying of soup being good for the soul? We honestly believe it's true! The cooler months are often a time when we can start to feel a little low on energy and not have quite the same mojo that we had over summer. In winter, it's completely appropriate to take some time out, rest more, slow down and do less. And sometimes, we can feel like we just don't have enough juice in the tank to get through or enjoy our everyday tasks/lives. That's where this chicken soup comes in!
tonika health / 08.07.2018

winter-health8 Jul 2018
Who else has been feeling a little chilly in this winter weather? Who else wants to focus on Winter wellness? As health practitioners, we can’t help but think about how the external environment affects us. And we love how we can use the dynamics of each season to better our health. By tuning into what your body needs this winter, you can help nourish your body, mind and soul.
tonika health / 28.05.2018

sleep28 May 2018
We have a question for you...do you sleep like a baby? Simply hop into bed, shut your eyes and head off to the lovely land of nod...no tossing or turning, pure blissful sleep...until you wake the next morning feeling super refreshed and energised? I'm going to guess that the answer is no, because, unfortunately, a staggering number of us struggle with sleep. Whether it's falling asleep, staying asleep, or the quality of sleep itself...almost every person we speak to has some sort of trouble catching their zzz's.
tonika health / 04.04.2018

treating-injuries4 Apr 2018
Hello all! We want to take the time to share some new information on ice and heat for injuries and inflammation! Okay, it's not NEW but it’s not information that has been well circulated, and old habits still reign. We're about to summarise A LOT of content about how to use ice and heat for injuries and inflammation, so chunks will be missing but please feel free to email us at info@tonikahealth.com.au if you have any questions.
tonika health / 20.03.2018

traditional-chinese-medicine20 May 2018
Thank gosh it’s autumn and we can slow down! It's a time when fast feverish spring and energetic outgoing Summer are both over... when we can have some downtime… and read that book (finally!). So, traditional Chinese Medicine and Autumn... Let's talk about what they are about?
tonika health / 12.03.2018

morning-sickness12 May 2018
Morning sickness can be the worst! So we wanted to share with you what we've learnt about what can be an extremely debilitating, as well as at times, unexpected, for pregnant women. Sometimes, the smallest changes can make a difference, so we're here to share these natural remedies for helping you cope with this condition.
tonika health / 25.01.2018

boost-your-health25 Jan 2018
Hi all! We thought we'd put together a list of some handy hints on correct posture to help ensure you're standing properly. A slumped posture can lead to a number of unwanted things, such as lethargy and headaches. As we always say - posture isn't the problem, it's the answer!
tonika health / 02.01.2018

2 Jan 2018
Did you know that one of the most useful tools for promoting relaxation and managing stress is something that we all do each and every day (actually, each and every second)? Literally just some Simple Breathing Exercises. Breathing is an excellent and incredibly simple tool that we can all use, anywhere and anytime, to help calm our nervous system and reduce stress and anxiety. The next time you feel wound up / upset / anxious / etc, try one of the breathing exercises below and see if it helps you.