
Health Tips Blog

tonika health is not just a clinic. We also provide valuable reading and practical resources i.e. our blog that provides valuable health tips for our community in Sydney and Surry hills. Our blog and our newsletter contain tips, tricks and information about how to get well and stay well. We use Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage and Diet as our main methodologies. To know more about our blog, please feel free to click the links below.

We’re all learning to adapt to the current environment. Amidst everything that’s going on, we believe that physical and mental wellbeing is more important than ever. We’re so glad that we can continue to stand by your side and support you during these times and through this blog.

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Peter Scarsellettti / 09.09.2019

guy resting9 Sept 2019
We want to share with you a simple technique that's helped countless patients alleviate challenging moments in their lives. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the phrase ‘fight or flight’. It refers to the sympathetic nervous system, as opposed to the parasympathetic nervous system (which is associated with the phrase 'rest and digest'). You see, when one of these systems is switched on, the other switches off.
Peter Scarsellettti / 02.07.2019

immune zones2 Jul 2019
Hi there, it's Peter, tonika health's acupuncturist. I hope you're all well and staying warm with this chilly winter weather. Is it just me or does it seem to be more of a doozy than usual? Colder temperatures and more colds/flus going seem to be going around. Don't get me wrong, I love winter. But I think it's safe to say that none of us are fans of feeling run down.
tonika health / 25.06.2019

exercise25 Jun 2019
Today we're writing about winter exercise. I hope you’re all well and keeping warm in this ever unpredictable weather! We’ve been hearing two things from a large bulk of our clients recently, and they relate to movement during winter... 1) almost everyone is or has been sick lately. 2) many have consequently dropped out of their exercise routines due to more aches and pains.
tonika health / 24.06.2019

v24 Jun 2019
Let's talk about immune-boosting foods hiding in your kitchen. I'm currently sitting here looking out the window at heavy rainfall and grey skies. Ah such typical winter weather! Don't get me wrong though, I do love winter with it's rainy days and cozy weather. After all, what could be better than wrapping yourself up in a blanket with a hot water bottle and a warm mug of hot cacao! A downside of this time of year, however, are the colds and flu that seem to run rampant. Luckily, there are many things we can do to help avoid or decrease the severity of colds and flu.
Peter Scarsellettti / 28.05.2019

back pain28 May 2019
I'm betting most of you agree that we live in a world that often compromises the way we move our bodies. This limits our range of motion, which can consequently cause muscle imbalances and mechanical failures in the long term. But by being aware of some of the major causes of back pain, you can be more mindful about how to avoid them. So, what are they?  
Peter Scarsellettti / 26.03.2019

autumn health tips26 Mar 2019
Hi there, it's Peter (tonika health's acupuncturist!). Today, I want to chat about making the most of autumn and give you my most important Autumn health tips. All life on earth, up until recent times, has been closely synchronised to the seasons. Modern developments have enabled us to adapt and live more easily through the seasons, minimising seasonal impacts on our lifestyle, while plants and animals are still very much in harmony with the seasons. However, we can never take away our deep primal connections to the seasons. And how they affect the functioning of our bodies. In fact, living in accordance with the seasons can help us get closer to nature, and benefit our health and lives as a result. Living with the seasons. Knowing what opportunities and challenges each season brings us. And having an awareness of which organs + body structures are most active or challenged during each season. These are some of the best Autumn health tips so we can best look after our bodies.
tonika health / 12.02.2019

digestion12 Feb 2019
Hi all! Do you get occasional tummy troubles and digestive issues? Well we're here to save the day! (Or at least to help you save yourself from those stinky burps and farts, stomach aches, reflux, toilet troubles, etc). Here are 10 easy tips to help support better digestion (fun fact - your digestive system extends all the way from mouth to anus...or as we like to say, from chew to poo).
tonika health / 13.08.2018

office stretches13 Aug 2018
Are you working hard at your desk? Or perhaps staring at a computer all day long? And maybe sitting most of the day with minimal breaks? You need some office stretches in your life! Office life is a reality for many of us, and as a result, the end of a work day often leaves us not only mentally exhausted, but also physically tight, sore and achy. So, what's a little something you can do that'll make the world of difference? Some office stretches, of course!
tonika health / 30.07.2018

recycle30 Jul 2018
Hi all! As you're probably aware, it’s the second last day of July…so perhaps it's technically a little late to jump on the Plastic Free July bandwagon if you haven’t already. (Read more about it HERE if you’re unsure what we're rambling about). But why only commit to one month of trying to reduce waste? Why not make it an overall lifestyle change? (Side note - it'll also do your wallet and health huge favours by saving money and naturally avoiding packaged foods). Here are just a few ideas you can adopt to get you on your way to reducing, reusing and recycling.