
Health Tips Blog

tonika health is not just a clinic. We also provide valuable reading and practical resources i.e. our blog that provides valuable health tips for our community in Sydney and Surry hills. Our blog and our newsletter contain tips, tricks and information about how to get well and stay well. We use Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage and Diet as our main methodologies. To know more about our blog, please feel free to click the links below.

We’re all learning to adapt to the current environment. Amidst everything that’s going on, we believe that physical and mental wellbeing is more important than ever. We’re so glad that we can continue to stand by your side and support you during these times and through this blog.

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Peter Scarsellettti / 11.09.2021

Boost your health

11 Sept 2021

The where, why and how to boost your health

It is important to boost your health during Autumn, Winter and Spring. Due to the earth’s tilt position in relation to the Sun (in each of those seasons), we experience certain types of weather from moderate to cold. In Winter, the weather is usually cold. During Spring and Autumn we usually have weather that may fluctuate from warm to cold in short spaces of time, which the body finds challenging to adapt to. It’s in these 3 seasons of the year that we need to be versatile with layering of clothing to protect certain aspects of our body that are susceptible to cold temperatures, and movements of wind and air (that affect temperature on the surface of the skin). This can have very important effects on our general health, and our musculoskeletal health.

tonika health / 16.08.2021

16 Aug 2021

With many of us spending more time indoors than we are used to, it is becoming more common to see the musculoskeletal effects that sitting for large spans of time is having on the people in our community. In fact, many people are complaining about back pain from sitting too long!

Times where we would usually be moving about to get to work have been replaced with simply walking to the home office and sitting down. While we’re sure many of you relish not having a daily commute to and from work, prolonged sitting at home is becoming more and more the new normal these days.

Peter Scarsellettti, Renee Zamel / 03.08.2021

Mental wellbeing with the inner smile2 Aug 2021

How the inner smile is good for your health & mental wellbeing!

The smile is one of the most powerful energies of personal power. The true inner smile is the smile of total happiness and mental wellbeing. It is not a social smile, but one that rises from deep within the cells and organs of the body.

According to certain Daoist self-cultivation masters, it is said that when you smile, your organs release beneficial secretions, which nourish the whole body and can make a difference to your mental wellbeing.

Eiko Oki / 01.03.2021

Therapeutic massage

1 Mar 2021

Never had therapeutic massage before? Think it's just a way to pamper yourself?

Hi, I'm Eiko, the newest remedial massage therapist at tonika health. Lovely to meet you all (albeit virtually!). This is my 'first massage' story...one where I had an 'aha' moment and realised that therapeutic massage is about needs, not just wants. This is a big misconception that I often hear about massage - that it's a nice way to pamper yourself and relax if you want to...but that it's not something that you actually need or something that will result in tangible and significant changes.
Daniela Osiander / 30.06.2020

Daniela30 Jun 2020
This time it is Daniela writing to you from tonika health. I hope you are doing well and are finding your (new?) routine in this changing world. Personally, I have certainly done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks and months. So today I have an announcement: As of the end of this financial year, I will resign as the manager of tonika health and officially hand over the reins of the business to our acupuncturist Peter, who has been working as part of our team for a year and a half already. I will still be looking after my existing patients – so I am definitely not out of the world! But running the business is quite a separate, big job and it is time for me to create head space to focus on other projects now.
Peter Scarsellettti / 09.06.2020

winter health care
9 Jun 2020
Hi there, it's Peter, tonika health's acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner. I hope you're all well and warm during this chilly weather in Sydney at the moment. As we head into the coldest part of the year, I want to chat to you about the best winter health care, including how to improve your overall immunity. There are many things you can do to support yourself and make the most of the season.
tonika health / 09.03.2020

clarity health9 May 2020
It seems almost everybody is an expert on something these days, especially health & wellbeing, and almost anything can be found on the internet. So we thought we'd share some insights (personal and professional) about how to gain clarity, purpose and direction with your health...the sort of thing you can't find on the internet.
Peter Scarsellettti, tonika health / 03.02.2020

grass3 Feb 2020
A big hello to all for the new year even though we are in February already, but also Happy Chinese Lunar New Year (Year of the Rat) from tonika health's acupuncturist, Peter Scarselletti. For the first time in all my years as an acupuncturist, it's with sadness that I write about the fire element from Chinese medicine 5 Element philosophy, due to the extremely difficult situation that has gripped Australia over the last months in our peak bushfire season. My sincere blessings go out to those who have been affected by the fires, or whose families and friends have also been affected at this time, as well as all of the countless animals that have lost their lives, or are fighting for survival at this time. It's my sincere hope that our precious Australian bushland that has been burned, now has a chance to regenerate itself.
tonika health / 02.12.2019

Positions2 Dec 2019

Do you suffer from aches and pains? Perhaps pesky neck or back pain? Is your posture to blame? Most of our patients come to us with chronic neck or back pain...and it's often due to hours upon hours of sitting every single day in sedentary office jobs or the like. These pains come from hunching forward at the desk, from sitting and not activating certain muscles properly. If you don’t use it, you lose it...literally!

tonika health / 04.11.2019

4 Nov 2019
Hi there! We want to talk about all things poo! Going to the toilet...it's something we all do, yet it's something we rarely talk about. It's an assumed part of daily life (ideally daily anyway) and we rarely pay active attention to it.