
Health Tips Blog

tonika health is not just a clinic. We also provide valuable reading and practical resources i.e. our blog that provides valuable health tips for our community in Sydney and Surry hills. Our blog and our newsletter contain tips, tricks and information about how to get well and stay well. We use Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage and Diet as our main methodologies. To know more about our blog, please feel free to click the links below.

We’re all learning to adapt to the current environment. Amidst everything that’s going on, we believe that physical and mental wellbeing is more important than ever. We’re so glad that we can continue to stand by your side and support you during these times and through this blog.

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tonika health / 10.06.2022

Winter Health
10 Jun 2022

In Chinese Medicine, Winter is the utmost Yin time of the year and is the time of stillness. It is the time to move inside and practice stillness. Winter health is connected with the Kidneys, Adrenals and Bladder in our body, so it is important to ensure these organs are nourished during this season.

tonika health / 12.01.2022

pulse diagnosis12 Jan 2022

Chinese Medicine, pulse diagnosis involves examining the pulse in each wrist by placing three fingers at the radial artery 🤲

This method is thousands of years old and has been recorded in ancient Chinese medicine texts. It has also been refined by many Masters across time. There are several excellent methods of pulse diagnosis and we are demonstrating one method or style of pulse diagnosis in this blog article.

tonika health / 10.11.2021

green-vegetables10 Nov 2021

So, we are well into spring, and past the spring equinox, and on our way to welcoming the summer. While we are still enjoying spring time, which is represented by the Wood Element (and Green Colour) in the Chinese Medicine theory of the 5 Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), I thought I would provide some perspectives on Chinese Medicine’s thoughts on Spring, green foods, and the green colour in nature, and its benefits.

tonika health / 26.09.2021

29 Sept 2021
Music is Medicine! 🎶 It was a strong belief in Ancient China that music had the power of healing. Chinese music, for example, uses a pentatonic scale, with five musical tones that are connected to the Five Elements (according to Chapter 5 of the Nei Jing Su Wen – an ancient classic of Chinese Medicine principles).