19 Apr Foods To Eat Or Avoid When Pregnant
19 Apr 2022
If you are pregnant, here are the foods you can eat, those you should avoid and how to treat foods in between.
There are several foods, supplements and recommendations that may beneficial for your health and your baby’s health during pregnancy, however, this article outlines the recommendations from the NSW Food Authority to minimise the risk of consuming potentially contaminated foods that may harm the health of your baby during pregnancy. Foods to avoid are listed for a range of reasons, but in most cases there is a higher risk those foods may contain harmful bacteria such as listeria or salmonella.
Click on the infographics below to read about which foods are best to eat with caution, which to avoid and which to enjoy when you are pregnant. If you are pregnant we encourage you to save each of these images onto your phone for easy-access reference lists.
Foods to avoid if you are pregnant
Foods to avoid are listed for a range of reasons, but in most cases it is because there is a higher risk that these foods may contain harmful bacteria, such as listeria or salmonella, which are risky to someone who is pregnant.
Therefore, we recommend that you avoid any of the foods in the red list if you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant.
Foods to eat with caution if you are pregnant
Foods to be cautious of are listed here to make pregnant women aware that they need to be treated and prepared carefully.
We recommend that you limit these foods if possible.
Foods that are OK to eat when you are pregnant
Foods in this list are safe to eat when pregnant and do not need to be limited beyond dietary recommendations.
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