
Treatment expectations – How acupuncture and Chinese medicine works for you

Therapies such as acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can in several cases work rapidly and effectively to create immediate and lasting changes in health. However, in most cases the way this form of medicine works is to gradually and incrementally make changes to various systems of the body to restore them to optimal function (where possible). Clinical experience has led us to understand that differing health conditions that we see in the clinic usually have specific treatment expectations and timelines. We need to address health conditions for a certain amount of time or number of sessions to bring them to a place of resolution upon where we may discharge patients or put them on a maintenance program. Maintenance programs then effectively maintain at an optimal level those chronic or long-standing conditions which require ongoing management.

Additional Chinese medicine therapies may be recommended during the course of your acupuncture treatments to help support your progress. These therapies may include cupping, gua sha (scraping), moxibustion, tui na (acupressure massage), electroacupuncture, dietary and lifestyle advice. If we deem that additional therapies may be beneficial for you, we will discuss this with you during your acupuncture session and include them as necessary.

Rate and degree of response are methods that we use to form a prognosis to begin understanding how long you will need to undergo care. During your first sessions we will identify your rate of response to treatment and suggest to you an approximation of the length of care you will require as you progress. If required, we will suggest that you have specific medical imaging/investigations done under the authority of your GP or specialist.

What we have written below is a set of guidelines that give you an expectation of the approximate duration of your course of treatment for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, before we discharge you from care or put you on a maintenance program. The duration of care is specific for each individual condition, but we do have some general guidelines.

Based on these guidelines, we ask you to conceptualise the approximate timeframe and total investment that your care may involve by reading the information below. We have listed several different treatment categories and understand that people addressing multiple concerns simultaneously may result in longer treatment timeframes. If you have a health concern that is not listed below, please contact us for further information regarding treatment timelines.

Please note that we follow the AHPRA codes and guidelines of not recommending that patients use our healthcare services indiscriminately and therefore recommend usage of our healthcare services appropriately. We aim to discharge patients from care as soon as possible.

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine


Weekly acupuncture treatment for 1 year or until conception occurs. In most cases Chinese herbal medicine and supplementation is also required. If required, we will suggest that you have specific medical investigations or testing/imaging done under the authority of your GP or gynaecologist. Those with more challenging gynaecological conditions should anticipate longer treatment timeframes.

IVF support:

For our existing fertility clients, we recommend weekly treatments throughout the entire IVF journey (stimulation phase, egg collection and embryo transfer). Different phases of the IVF journey may require additional acupuncture treatment for further support. Please see guidelines below for more information on each phase.

Preparation phase / ongoing fertility treatment:

Weekly long-term acupuncture sessions.

Stimulation phase (prior to egg collection):

Bi-weekly electroacupuncture sessions.

Embryo transfer (fresh or frozen):

Pre and post embryo transfer acupuncture sessions on the day of embryo transfer.

Two-week wait:

During the first week of the two-week wait we recommend that you take a break from acupuncture. You may recommence your weekly acupuncture treatments in the second week.

For patients seeking IVF support only, please proceed with booking pre and post embryo transfer acupuncture sessions.


After returning a positive pregnancy test, we recommend weekly treatments for up to week 12 of the pregnancy. We then schedule monthly check up appointments from week 13-33 unless there is specific weekly or fortnightly treatment required (depending on the patient). From week 34 onwards we recommend weekly treatment in preparation for labour. When you are around your due date, we may recommend up to 3 sessions per week until labour occurs.

Gynaecological health or hormonal balancing:

3-6 months of weekly treatments, or longer for cases that involve amenorrhoea. Please note that there are some gynaecological cases that can be addressed in less than 3 months. Those with more challenging gynaecological conditions should anticipate longer treatment timeframes.

Male reproductive health:

3-6 months of Chinese herbal medicine and/or weekly acupuncture depending on the condition.

Constant / Chronic pain or neurological dysfunction:

Initial course of treatment involving weekly acupuncture sessions to bring condition to a maintenance level. Then regular long-term maintenance care.

Intermittent pain:

1-3 months of weekly acupuncture sessions, depending on the quality and severity of pain. Ongoing maintenance care may also be required.

Acute injury:

3-6 weeks of weekly or bi-weekly acupuncture sessions. External herbal preparations are sometimes required in cases of strains, sprains, severe bruising and injuries.

Digestive complaints:

2 months of weekly acupuncture sessions. Herbal medicine and supplementation may also be required.

Immune issues / Lingering infections:

2-3 months of weekly acupuncture sessions. Herbal medicine and supplementation may also be required.

Headaches / Migraines:

1-6 months of weekly acupuncture sessions, depending on the frequency and severity. In our experience, there are some headache and migraine cases that are unresponsive to acupuncture. In cases of non-response after 2 months of regular treatment, we will discharge the patient if we don’t believe acupuncture is suitable for their case.

Sleep, stress and psycho-emotional disorders:

6 weeks – 3 months of weekly acupuncture sessions. Herbal medicine and supplementation may also be required. In our experience, there are some sleep disorders that are unresponsive to acupuncture. In cases of non-response after 2 months of regular treatment, we will discharge the patient if we don’t believe acupuncture is suitable for their case. In several psycho-emotional disorders we will also refer to other health practitioners as necessary.

Chronic illness management:

Long-term ongoing care, may include weekly, fortnightly, or monthly acupuncture treatment depending on the severity of the condition or how well managed it is. Herbal medicine and supplementation may also be required.

Cosmetic acupuncture:

12 sessions weekly or bi-weekly, constitutes one course of treatment. Maintenance blocks of treatment are recommended over the long-term to continue working on areas of focus.

General health maintenance:

Ongoing maintenance may be weekly, fortnightly, or monthly acupuncture sessions. Herbal medicine and supplementation may also be required.

If we deem Chinese herbal medicine or other supplements are required for you, we will suggest them to you. If you choose to take these herbal medicines and supplements, they will be at an additional cost and may be required for an extended period of time.

If you have further questions regarding the treatment expectations for your symptom or condition, feel free to contact us via email. Alternately, you can book in a free introductory chat with one of our acupuncturists and they will happily answer any questions you may have.