Our online Oriental Medicine consultations use a variety of Oriental Medicine methods to benefit your health under our acupuncturist, Peter’s, guidance, when you can’t physically come into our clinic due to various reasons.
In these appointments, Peter will pull together comprehensive information about your health / condition(s) with a detailed consultative process and will then carry out an in depth oriental medicine assessment using the information gathered. Traditional diagnostics such as tongue diagnosis will be used. The assessment may also involve instructing you to assist in the diagnostic process by palpating and pressing certain zones and acupressure points on your body to provide relevant feedback and determine specific patterns of disharmony.
After the health history and diagnostic process is complete, Peter will provide you with a treatment plan accordingly. This treatment plan may include Chinese herbal medicine prescription or other supplements, dietary and / or lifestyle advice and self care exercises / practices such as self-acupressure massage, stretching and more, as homework depending on your unique requirements.
All supplements and herbal medicines are at additional cost, and can either be posted to you from the practice (or picked up on site), or sent to you directly through one of our trusted suppliers that offer a patient dispatch service with our prescription authority.
Follow-up appointments are shorter, and assess your ongoing progress with your condition.
It is recommended that prior to booking an online Oriental Medicine appointment, you email Peter at peter@tonikahealth.com.au to determine if a telehealth appointment and possible recommendations / prescriptions will be suitable for your condition, if you need to be treated at our clinic, or referred to a practitioner near you if you are situated further away from our practice.
It is also recommended that you provide any relevant pathology or imaging reports from your doctor or specialist that are relevant to your individual case prior to your appointment. Please forward them to peter@tonikahealth.com.au.